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Choose your pricing plan

  • Healthy Bright Light

    Every month
    30 minuets to update your plan each month
    Valid for 12 months
    • Build a Wellness Plan
  • 1 Month

    Coaching in one area for one full month. Includes 4 phone sessions unlimited email and support
    Valid for 12 months
    • Life Coaching Session
  • Introductions

    Let’s take time to introduce ourselves and determine the best Coaching Plan for you.
    Valid for one month
    • Life Coaching Session
  • Finding Your Bright Light

    Every month
    Weekly Coaching session with Goals to Track for accountability to see results
    Valid for 6 months
    • Life Coaching Session
  • Your Bright Light Life Coach

    We focus on what you want & track progress to a happier better you! Includes four 1 hour one on ones
    Valid for one month
    • Your Bright Light Life Coach Membership
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